With over 35 years of experience in the IT managed services industry, Chief Experience Officer, Jessica Carroll, is an expert on customer experience and customer success. In this interview, Jessica discusses the relationship between CX and operations and how both are crucial to a successful business. How do you balance customer experience initiatives while managing operational demands? They’re not mutually exclusive, she says.


Customer experience initiatives can sometimes seem lofty, but having aspiration is a good thing. However, day to day operational and tactical activities are critical to get right, and deep attention to operations is necessary, but one does not exclude the other. Throughout my career, both running IT operations and serving customers directly as a customer experience executive, over and again, I have found that putting the time and attention into getting the daily tactical issues covered with urgency and crispness is what builds trust from both the internal teams and the customer. This trust and credibility, which includes doing the right thing and being transparent and accountable, makes it possible to then deliver on the more strategic aspirations of a premier customer experience program.