Acuative Goals and Aspirations:

  • Attract more underrepresented groups into the talent pipeline. Expand our qualified pipeline to ensure representation of women, underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities both in management and early talent programs to ensure a mosaic of diversity of thought and experience.
  • Increase the number of underrepresented groups in leadership roles by encouraging more intentional pathways to leadership roles for women, under-represented racial/ethnic groups and other underrepresented talent
  • Lead employee engagement and grow our culture of inclusion and belonging to ensure that a diversity of thought and experience thrives and influences performance
  • Create a workforce that is reflective of the diversity of our customers and the communities in which we operate, across all levels.
    Create an environment and culture where all team members have the opportunity to realize their potential, regardless of their background, and an environment where individual difference is understood, respected and valued.
  • Adopt remuneration practices (such as benchmarking) which remunerates team members transparently and equitably for the role they perform, regardless of their gender.
  • Adopt and maintain fair and equitable recruitment and selection processes, including succession planning, at all levels, that are free from bias and that encourage greater innovation and improve our understanding of our diverse customer base.
  • Adopt policies and practices such as our Paid Parental Leave policies and Flexible Working policies which support individual needs and responsibilities, including parental or care responsibilities, or religious needs. Ensure there are mechanisms in place to support team members to utilize these polices and ensure they remain connected to Acuative.
  • Adopt a zero-tolerance approach to unlawful discrimination, harassment, vilification or victimization based on a person’s gender, age, ethnicity, cultural background, impairment, sexual preference or religious beliefs.
  • Continue to meet or exceed our legal and regulatory obligations in relation to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Adopt programs that support pro-active development of underrepresented diversities; preparing them for senior management and board positions